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09 December 2007

The share of the ansaar from Hunain !

From the spoils of the battle of Hunain that were taken from the Kuffar Sayyiduna Rasoolullah (`alayhi afDalus salaatu was salaam) distributed most of his share to his former enemies of Makkatul Mukarramah, the Quraysh. When the Ansaar heard how generous the Messenger of Allah (`alayhi afDalus salaatu was salaam) was towards the people of Makkatul Mukarramah, they thought that they were being treated unfairly. Sayyiduna Saad bin Obaidah (radi Allahu anhu) carried the news to Sayyiduna Rasoolullah (`alayhi afDalus salaatu was salaam). Sayyiduna Rasoolullah (`alayhi afDalus salaatu was salaam) called the Ansaar together and said: "O You of the Ansaar! What is this talk which has reached me from you. What is this new thing you have found in your soul? When I came to you, were you not in error and Allah guided you? Were you not poor and Allah made you rich? Were you not each other's enemies and Allah put love into your hearts?" The Ansaar said: "Yes, Allah and His Rasool are most bountiful and merciful." "Would you not answer me, O Ansaar?" "What answer can we give you, O Prophet of Allah! Bounty and grace belongs to Allah and His Messenger." "But by Allah, if you had wished, you might have said and you would surely have been right and I would confirm your saying thus: You (O Prophet of Allah) did come to us belied and we confirmed your truth, you were forsaken and we helped you; you were driven away and we sheltered you; you were poor and we consoled you. "O Ansaar! I have made use of the wealth of this world to gain the love of the people so that they may become Muslims and entrust you to your Islam. Are not you, O Ansaar, happy that while people take away camels and goats, you take home the Prophet of Allah with you? I swear by Him in whose Hands is my life, had it not been for the Hijrah I would have been a man of the Ansaar. If people choose one path, and the Ansaar choose another, I would choose the path of the Ansaar. "O Allah, have mercy on the Ansaar, the children of the Ansaar and the children of the children of the Ansaar." The Ansaar were so moved by this speech that their beards were wet with tears. They could find no words to express their gratitude at this speech. All they could say was: "We are happy with the Messenger of Allah as to the division and our share." *** SubhanAllah what a share to have !

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